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NIEHS Call for Applications to Study Engineered Nanomaterials Interactions with Biological Processes

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The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) announced a new funding opportunity to understand how physical and chemical characteristics of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) influence their molecular  interactions with biological matrices and elicit biological responses. Letters of intent are due by December 22, 2009. 

The NIEHS program, Engineered Nanomaterials: Linking Physical and Chemical Properties to Biology, is designed to determine which physical or chemical characteristic of an engineered nanomaterial (ENM), or cluster of characteristics, is integral to ENM-molecular interactions in a cellular process or organ system and to relate these findings to potential health effects.

Because the global demand for nanomaterials and nano-enabled devices is expected to reach $1.3 trillion by 2015 and because the unique physical and chemical properties of ENMs make their interactions difficult to predict, there is a critical need to explore and characterize ENMs with regard to their impact on and interactions with biological matrices. 

This solicitation represents the NIEHS efforts to support the goals of the National Nanotechnology Initiative's Strategy for Nanotechnology-related Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Research.

Read the complete solicitation with eligibility and application information.

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