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NINT Innovation Centre
NINT Innovation Centre
11421 Saskatchewan Drive Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2M9

Our Vision

NINT will be a global leader in nanotechnology recognized for its people, partnerships and performance in creating Canadian prosperity through responsible deployment of nanotechnologies.

Our Mission

To transform nanoscience ideas into novel, sustainable nanotechnology solutions with socioeconomic benefits for Canada and Alberta.

Our Goals

We will:

Grev Turegatan 14. 1.5 tr Stockholm, 114 46 Sweden

The purpose of SwedNanoTech is to be a tool for our members to find the right people, expertise or context that would be difficult to come in contact with without being part of our network.

That Sweden in ten years is well known for its good climate for innovation and for its strong research infrastructure within the nanotechnology field.

That nanotechnology companies both are created and are staying in Sweden because of the country’s good business conditions.