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The InterNano Directory of Experts and Organizations is a listing of both researchers and research organizations that are engaged in nanomanufacturing.

The Nanofabrication Laboratory
The Nanofabrication Laboratory
State University of New York PO BOX 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 USA

The Nanofabrication Laboratory at Binghamton University is a multi-user facility that supports nano-scale research by providing state-of-the-art resources.

Users coming from academia, and industry are invited to learn to use the tools in the facility to carry out their research. NLB is open 24 hours a day, and provides the environment critical to successful cutting-edge research.

BlueVine Graphene Industries, Inc.
BlueVine Graphene Industries, Inc.
1601 W State Street Suite 101 West Lafayette, IN 47906 USA

For the past decade, Purdue’s Discovery Park and its leading scientists nurtured the research that has now become the foundation of BGI’s graphene technology and team. BGI is developing the building blocks of the future in materials at the forefront of nanotechnology. Today, we are creating biosensors and supercapacitors that will revolutionize whole industries.

Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility
Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility
250 Duffield Hall Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853-2700 USA

The Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF) is a national user facility that supports a broad range of nanoscale science and technology projects by providing state-of-the-art resources coupled with expert staff support. 2014 will mark our 37th year in operation. Research at CNF encompasses physical sciences, engineering, and life sciences, and has a strong inter-disciplinary emphasis.

XiGo Nanotools
XiGo Nanotools
116 Research Drive Suite 39 Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA

XiGo Nanotools was founded by Sean Race and Dr. David Fairhurst in 2005 with the mission to provide new innovative “tools” for the emerging nanomaterials industry. The Acorn Area is designed to analyze the wetted surface area of concentrated dispersions with little or no sample preparation, providing a viable complementary technique to BET surface area, analyzing nanoparticles as they are made or used, dispersed in liquids. Our goal is to provide scientists, researchers, and corporations with tools that are easy to use and serve as wide and diverse a customer base as possible.

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Notkestraße 85 Hamburg, D-22607 Germany

DESY is one of the world’s leading accelerator centres. Researchers use the large-scale facilities at DESY to explore the microcosm in all its variety – from the interactions of tiny elementary particles and the behaviour of new types of nanomaterials to biomolecular processes that are essential to life. The accelerators and detectors that DESY develops and builds are unique research tools. The facilities generate the world’s most intense X-ray light, accelerate particles to record energies and open completely new windows onto the universe.

P2i Inc.
P2i Inc.
33 Park of Commerce Blvd. Savannah, Georgia 31405 USA

Global Leadership in Invisible Functionality

P2i is uniquely positioned to provide tailored, invisible functionality across a range of manufacturing requirements, through proven nano-coating solutions. With commercial expertise driving application across five market sectors and a commitment to global service and support, P2i delivers outstanding performance improvement and new market opportunities to a wide range of products.

Wyatt Technology Corporation
Wyatt Technology Corporation
6300 Hollister Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA

Wyatt Technology is the recognized leader in light scattering instrumentation and software for determining the absolute molar mass, size, charge and interactions of macromolecules and nanoparticles in solution. Wyatt provides in-line multi-angle static light scattering - SEC-MALS; field flow fractionation (separation with no stationary phase) - FFF-MALS; composition gradients for interaction analysis - CG-MALS; high-throughput dynamic light scattering - DLS; high-sensitivity electrophoretic mobility - MP-PALS; differential refractometry, and differential viscosity.

The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
2907 East Lee Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 USA

It has been established as an academic collaboration between North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Both Universities are classified by the Carnegie Foundation as “research universities with high research activity.” JSNN builds on the strengths of the two universities in the basic sciences and in engineering to offer an innovative, cross-disciplinary graduate program that will train scientists in various emerging areas of nanoscience and nanoengineering.

1804 Embarcadero Rd Suite 202 Palo Alto, California 94303 USA

Industrial production of graphene nanotubes

The pilot industrial facility for single walled carbon nanotubes synthesis named “Graphetron 1.0” was installed in the Nanomodified Materials Centre at the Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, in the R&D centre of OCSiAl.

This is the world's largest facility producing more that 1 tons of single wall carbon nanotubes per year. The successful operation of “Graphetron 1.0” has provided experimental proof of the unlimited scaling potential of our synthesis technology.

Gigaphoton Inc.
Gigaphoton Inc.
400 Yokokurashinden Oyama-shi, Tochigi-ken 323-8558 Japan

Gigaphoton Inc. was founded in 2000 as a leading-edge technology company to support the semiconductor industry in the 21st century. Since then, we at Gigaphoton have been developing and marketing user-friendly, highly innovative laser light sources and delivering them to major lithography tool suppliers in the global semiconductor industry. In addition, we have been aggressively working on the development and mass-production of Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) light sources as the next-generation lithography light sources.
