NaturalNano is a nanomaterials company that develops and markets proprietary technologies and products that provide novel properties to a variety of materials such as industrial polymers, plastics and composites. The Company has twenty licensed, issued or pending patents and the expertise for extracting and separating clay Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT™).
Composites are used in automotive, aerospace, transportation, building, electronics and performance sporting goods to name just a few product sectors. The polymer composite market is a forty plus billion dollar international marketplace. Nanocomposites are the fastest growing segment within the polymer composites market. The nanocomposites market is estimated to double in size by 2010; nanoclays will represent 50 percent of the market. NaturalNano believes that this market could be much bigger, but cost and quality issues are hurdles delaying a nanocomposite revolution. Today, nanomaterials are being used to replace conventional composite fillers. Fillers are used to reduce weight, increase strength, improve machine runnability, increase water and chemical resistance as well as improve film integrity.
NaturalNano's product, Pleximer ™ , is a turnkey HNT polymer concentrate, in pellet form, that can be added directly into a polymer extruder. Pleximer is formulated using NaturalNano's patent-pending process that offers superior performance properties.
Future market opportunities lie in many industries including cosmetics, agriculture, detergents, and pharmaceuticals.
NaturalNano, Inc.
832 Emerson St.
Rochester, NY
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