The Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (BJNANO, invites you to submit papers on any aspect of Nanoinformatics to a Thematic Issue of BJNANO. BJNANO is a High Impact (SCI: 2.3) Open Access journal with No Publication Fees in the broad areas of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology.
The BJNANO Thematic issue on Nanoinformatics will include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Data management and database development for nanomaterials
- Ontology and meta-data design for nanomaterial data
- Nanomaterial data standards and interoperation/sharing protocols
- Nanomaterial characterization (i.e., physicochemical/structural properties)
- Text/Literature mining for nanomaterial data collection and integration
- Analysis/Quantification for nano-images (e.g., TEM images of nanomaterials, images generated from in-vivo high-throughput screening of nano-bioactivity)
- Assessment of the value of information in nanomaterial data
- Data mining/Machine learning for nanomaterial data, particularly the development of (quantitative) structure-activity relationships for nanomaterials
- Simulation for nanomaterial fate & transport, nano-bio interactions
- Computing applications for nanomedicine (e.g., drug delivery systems (nano-excipient), diagnosis and prevention, and safe disposal of nanomedicine as household goods)
- Visualization of nanomaterials data
- Environmental and health risk assessment, life-cycle analysis, and regulatory decision making for nanomaterials
- Assessment of ethical and social issues of nanotechnology
- Infrastructure (frameworks/software/tools/resources) for nanoinformatics
If you're interested in submitting papers to the thematic issue on Nanoinformtics, the deadline for the submission is: March 31, 2015. Submission instructions can be found at: When submitting, please also indicate in your cover letter that your paper is submitted for consideration by the thematic issue on Nanoinformatics.
For further information regarding the thematic issue on nanoinformatics please contact Dr. Rong Liu (