The IUMRS Global Leadership and Service Award for 2015 will be awarded to Dr. Mihail Roco, Mr. Christos Tokamanis, and Dr. Paul Siffert at a ceremony to be held at the European Parliament on Monday, 23rd February 2015
For 2015, the Award honors very distinguished individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership through services having measurable impact in the fields of Nanotechnology and materials for the global community:
Professor Doctor Mihail Roco, the founding Chair of the National Science and Technology Council's subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology of USA National Science Foundation, for his extra-ordinary services in the area of Nanotechnology with significant impact in the USA and around the world.
Mr. Christos Tokamanis, head of Unit "Advanced Materials and Nano Technologies" - Directorate "Key Enabling Technologies, Research & Innovation", European Commission, for the outstanding services to the European Union community in supporting an effective and efficient nanotechnology policy integrating the needs of innovation with societal impact and responsible governance.
Professor Doctor Paul Siffert, founder and First President of the "European Materials Research, Society" (E-MRS); General Secretary of the "European Materials Forum" (EMF) and of the "European Materials Research Society" (E-MRS), Czochralski Gold Medal, and for 30 years of dedicated services to European and Global Materials Community.
The IUMRS has a mission of supporting excellence in materials research and education, and development of future leaders to work together for a world that has critical needs in order to sustain itself. Accordingly, to promote this mission, IUMRS announced the Global Leadership and Service Award. This Award will be given to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership through service having measurable impact to the global community, relating to materials research and education.
Source: IUMRS