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BessTech is an electrode design and engineering venture based in Albany, New York. Our mission is to improve the battery systems manufactured by assemblers and OEMs, providing them with high-performing electrodes.

Founded in 2010, we are fortunate to be a spin-off of, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (SUNY PI - CNSE), a $20 billion dollar, world-class nanotechnology center of excellence. The most obvious advantage of our partnership with SUNY PI - CNSE is our access to specialized tooling, equipment, and brainpower that allows us to create more and more innovation and reduce its time to market.

To date, besstech has received sizeable technology grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and private funding from a Venture Capital Group.

The Anode Problem? What Anode Problem?

At besstech, we don’t see a problem; we see a $500 Million opportunity. The world consumes 6.5 Billion (with a B) lithium ion batteries a year. But these batteries are not good enough. In fact, these batteries use basically the same technology that was invented 30 years ago. At besstech, we’re blending chemistry, nanoengineering and economics to prove that there can be a revolution in lithium ion batteries. To spur the revolution, we have exclusively licensed technologies from two of the best universities in the Northeast, and in collaboration with them we are leading a technological change that will redefine how lithium ion batteries are made.

291 River Street
Suite 318
Troy, NY
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