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Semblant, Inc.

Semblant, Inc.

Semblant is the industry leader in the transformational field of nanomaterials for electronics manufacturing. Its mission is to deliver advanced plasma deposited materials that radically improve electronics manufacturing. Semblant’s plasma processes reduce energy use, require no water or hazardous material recycling and replace the need for expensive metals while providing improved product quality and lower manufacturing costs. Semblant’s processes have achieved acceptance by major manufacturers and original equipment manufactures worldwide.

Semblant includes on its executive team and board of directors seasoned leaders from both the electronics and nanomaterials industries. Leveraging this experience, Semblant uniquely delivers plasma processing solutions ready for high volume manufacturing. Semblant has established itself as the market leader in product ready nanomaterials for the electronics industry.

Practical process solutions for High Volume Manufacturing (HVM)
Semblant develops nanomaterials process solutions that address the needs of the electronics industry. This requires a fusion of science and engineering, blending the disciplines of chemistry and physics, with mechanical and electrical engineering. Combining these disciplines from the start allows Semblant to deliver uniquely efficient, practical HVM ready nanomaterial processes.

Semblant, Inc.
2250 East Germann Road, Suite 1
Chandler, Arizona, 85286
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InterNano Taxonomy: