The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) provides technical and administrative support to the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee, which mananges the National Nanotechnology Initiative--the program established in fiscal year 2001 to coordinate Federal nanotechnology research and development.
The NNI provides a vision of the long-term opportunities and benefits of nanotechnology. By serving as a central locus for communication, cooperation, and collaboration for all participating Federal agencies, the NNI brings together the expertise needed to guide and support the advancement of this broad and complex field.
The NNI creates a framework for a comprehensive nanotechnology R&D program by establishing shared goals, priorities, and strategies, and it provides avenues for each individual agency to leverage the resources of all participating agencies.
The NNCO serves as a central point of contact for the Federal nanotechnology R&D activities comprising the NNI, and provides public outreach on behalf of the initiative.
The NNCO also organizes NNI-sponsored workshops; prepares and publishes reports of those workshops; maintains the website; coordinates the preparation and publication of NNI interagency planning, budget, and assessment documents including the annual NNI supplement to the President's budget; and coordinates information on NNI activities for Congress when requested.
National Nanotechnology Coordination Office
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Stafford II, Suite 405
Arlington, VA
view on map
Philip H. Lippel
Policy Analyst
703 292 7741
703 292 8626