MAT-VAC Technology, Inc. is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of PVD Systems, the Universal Sputterer™ GUI Software, related PVD equipment parts, engineering documentation and PVD thin film materials that it designs, develops, engineers and manufacturers.
Thin films
Dr. Berhan Tecle founded Ultrafine Technologies, Inc. (“Ultrafine”) in 1995 to commercialize a novel method of producing commercial quantities of proprietary nanomaterials.
Sepax Technologies, Inc. develops and manufactures products in the area of chemical and biological separations, biosurfaces and proteomics. Sepax product portfolio includes 1) liquid chromatography columns and media, 2) bulk resin for preparative separation and process chromatography, and 3) natural product and Chinese traditional medicine separation and purification.
MVSystems, Inc. research and development facilities are equipped to develop a wide array of thin film technologies. State-of-art materials and devices obtained in the fields of, Nano-(or micro-) crystalline Silicon, Amorphous Silicon, Thin Film Si Solar Cells, TFT's, Imaging, Sensors, Transparent Conducting Oxides and Optically Addressed Spatial Light Modulators.
ITN Energy Systems, Inc. focuses on developing advanced products that address the needs of today‘s competitive business environment, which is driven by the technology revolution.
We have built a diverse and growing technology portfolio for Aerospace, Energy, Biomedical and Environment applications, which provided us with an unprecedented growth opportunity in the past as well as in the future.
Over the years we have built strongest team of committed professionals and state of the art Capital infrastructure to develop advanced technologies and products, such as:
ALD NanoSolutions helps our customers accelerate their product innovation. Our proprietary Particle ALD coating technology, which can apply designed coatings at the nanometer scale on particles of any size, creates enormous commercial opportunity for new materials development and integration. In addition, Polymer ALD forms nanocoatings on polymer films, where we are developing continuous roll to roll ALD coating capability. ALD NanoSolutions’ multi-layer ALD films will fundamentally shift commercial polymer coating processes to lower cost, higher performance films.
ADA Technologies, Inc., specializes in the successful creation and conversion of innovative technologies to commercial successes. Our knowledge of federal research programs, especially the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR), enables us to perform early stage research while retaining intellectual property rights to the technology. By creating and adapting methodologies we have formulated a winning approach to technology commercialization. We license, sell, form joint ventures and create new businesses to realize value from our technologies.
FirstNano® is CVD Equipment Corporation's research and development (R&D) brand of products. Various academic research centers, industry leaders, and government research labs worldwide have purchased the system and are employing it currently in their research.
Cambridge NanoTech Inc. manufactures Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) systems for Research and Development in nanotechnology, semiconductors, displays, MEMS,and more.
Hysitron is proud to be the world leader in nanomechanical testing and has brought cutting edge technology to the scientific community since 1992. As the pioneers in nanoindentation and nanomechanical property measurement, Hysitron has helped develop the world of nanotechnology to where it is today by designing and producing the most advanced instrumentation available.