Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
At 10 Angstroms, we represent high quality instrumentation manufacturers for advanced R&D applications throughout North America.
The NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) is a national user facility with a focus on commerce, supporting the U.S. nanotechnology enterprise from discovery to production by providing industry, academia, and other government agencies with access to world-class nanoscale measurement and fabrication methods and technology. The CNST's shared-use NanoFab gives researchers access to and training on a state-of-the-art tool set required for cutting-edge nanotechnology development. A simple application process is designed to get work started in a few weeks.
SEMTech Solutions is a leading supplier of refurbished SEMs and analytical FE-SEM services. In addition, we are also a North American sales and service representation company handling new scientific instrumentation that specializes in electron beam technology (Electron Beam Lithography systems, LN2-free Silicon Drift EDX detectors, 3D Roughness Analyzing SEMs, etc.). With over 200 years combined SEM experience, our sales and service engineers located throughout the U.S. are committed to our customers.