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quantum dots

Dotz Nano Ltd.
Dotz Nano Ltd.
2 Granit Street Petach Tikva, Israel

Dotz Ltd. is an exciting new venture, aimed at capitalizing on the technological innovation in the Graphene Quantum Dots (GQD) market. Its vision is to be the premier producer of GQD’s by producing and supplying high quality GQD’s for use in various applications including medical imaging, sensing, consumer electronics, energy storage, solar cells and computer storage.

New Orleans, LA USA

Founded in 2014, Advano is a nanoparticle manufacturing and processing company that will disrupt the way nanoparticles are currently made. Advano features an innovative 4-in-1 step nanoparticle manufacturing process that is rapid, simple, efficient and highly scalable. The functionalized nanoparticles produced by Advano's process are high quality and are produced more affordably than current market price.

Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc.
Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc.
ASU Research Park 7700 S. River Parkway Tempe, AZ 85284 USA

Our mission is to become the leading producer of third generation photovoltaic cells (solar cells) through the use of Quantum Dots.

By introducing our thin film quantum dot solar cells, we will establish a disruptive technology that will help accelerate the conversion from a fossil fuel dependent energy infrastructure to one based on renewable and carbon-neutral energy sources. The products of Solterra Renewable Technologies will be part of the solution to energy independence, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

LumiSands, Inc
LumiSands, Inc
4000 Mason Road Ste. 304 Seattle, WA 98195-0001 USA

Silicon Nano-materials Research & Development for Lighting

Phosphors used in lighting and display solutions are mostly derived from rare-earth elements (REEs), which is an environmental hazard to extract and process. Furthermore, persistently elevated prices since 2010 and IP restrictions on LED applications by major players have driven the lighting industry to seek alternatives for REE-phosphors.

LumiSands offers a cost-effective, non-toxic, and eco-friendly option for REE-phosphors with our patent-pending silicon quantum dot phosphor (SiQD-phosphor) technology.
