Founded in 2014, Advano is a nanoparticle manufacturing and processing company that will disrupt the way nanoparticles are currently made. Advano features an innovative 4-in-1 step nanoparticle manufacturing process that is rapid, simple, efficient and highly scalable. The functionalized nanoparticles produced by Advano's process are high quality and are produced more affordably than current market price.
lithium-ion batteries
A new generation of high capacity, high discharge rate batteries requires a new generation of separator membrane. Elegus has designed a solution, a separator capable of withstanding demanding operation conditions and high currents. Elegus Technologies is commercializing an ultra-strong membrane made from high-performance nanoscale fibers developed at the University of Michigan. The patent-pending process is based on transformation of para-aramid threads into membranes with pores in the 5-50 nm range.
SiNode is a materials venture based out of Northwestern University that is commercializing a novel silicon based anode technology developed by Professor Harold Kung. The company is currently seeking partnership opportunities with major chemicals manufacturers.
Perfect Lithium is developing technology to boost the performance and drive down the cost of the lithium-ion materials that power consumer electronics, electric vehicles and industrial storage batteries.
The novel technology is founded on low cost and scalable methods to synthesize nano-structured materials. The ground breaking process boosts ion activity and energy density while eliminating the costly time, labor and energy of incumbent methods.
EnerDel designs, builds and manufactures lithium-ion energy storage solutions and battery systems with a focus on heavy duty transportation, on- and off-grid electrical, mass transit and task-oriented applications. The company was the first in the U.S. to mount commercial-scale production of large-format, prismatic, lithium-ion battery packs. EnerDel currently has two facilities in the Indianapolis area, as well as a manufacturing facility in Korea.