
Day 1 - Wednesday March 2, 2011

8:00 Breakfast
Session 1 chair: Mark Tuominen
9:00 Workshop Introduction and Objectives
Mark Tuominen NNN University of Massachusetts Amherst
9:20 NNI Framework and Long View
Mike Roco NSF
9:30 Nanomanufacturing Perspectives
Haris Doumanidis NSF
9:40 Perspectives from the Harvard NSEC
Robert Westervelt Harvard University
10:00 Perspectives from the Center for Integrated Nanomechanical Systems
Alex Zettl University of California Berkeley
10:20 Coffee break
Session 2 chair: Robert Westervelt
10:40 Convergence of Self Assembly and Roll-to-Roll Process Technology for High Volume Manufacturing of Nanotechnology-Enabled Devices
James Watkins CHM University of Massachusetts Amherst
11:00 Nanomanufacturing and Integration of Nanoscale Elements and Components Using Directed Assembly and Transfer
Ahmed Busnaina CHN Northeastern University
11:20 E-jet: A Printing-based Approach for Nanomanufacturing
Andrew Alleyne NanoCEMMS University of Illinois
11:40 Precise Functional Assemblies: First Glimpses and Upcoming Challenges
Paul Weiss California Nanosystems Institute UCLA
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Discussion chairs: Robert Westervelt, Mark Tuominen
Session 3 chair: Alex Zettl
1:00 Putting Things on Top of Other Things: Assembly of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Devices by Mechanical Transfer
James Hone Columbia University
1:20 Systems Engineering Toward Self-sustaining, Adaptive Micro/Nano Systems
Reza Ghodssi University Maryland
1:40 Envisioning Post-CMOS Nanofabrics and Nanocomputing Approaches
Andras Moritz University of Massachusetts Amherst
2:00 Future Directions of Nanoelectronic Systems
James Hutchby SRC
2:20 Challenges for Design and Manufacture of Integrated Nanosystems
Robert Doering Texas Instruments
2:40 Large Scale Graphene for Future Nanoelectronics Industry
Chun-Yung Sung IBM
3:00 Coffee Break
Session 4 chair: James Watkins
3:20 Perspectives from Chasm Technologies
Robert Praino Chasm Technologies
3:40 Continuous and Scalable Manufacturing of Macro-, Micro-, and Nanoscale Structures Using Roll-to-Roll Processing
James Stasiak HP Labs
4:00 Transitioning Nano to Air Force Systems
Richard Vaia Air Force Research Lab
4:20 Expanding U.S. Innovation in Areas of Critical National Need: TIP Interests and Funding in Nanomanufacturing
Thomas Wiggins NIST TIP program
4:40-5:30 First day summary discussion chairs: James Watkins, Alex Zettl
6:00 Dinner

Day 2 - Thursday March 3, 2011

7:20 Breakfast
Session 5 chair: Naomi Halas
8:00 Perspectives from the Center for Scalable and Intergrated Nanomanufacturing
Cheng Sun Northwestern University
8:20 Nanomanufacturing - Beyond Silicon
J. Alex Liddle Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology NIST
8:40 Self Assembly for Electronic Devices
Charles Black Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory
9:00 Micro/Macro integration of nanostructures and nanomaterials
David Carter Draper Laboratories
9:20 Programmable DNA-Based Nanosystems
William Shih Harvard Wyss Institute
9:40 Coffee break
Session 6 chair: Ahmed Busnaina
10:00 Optics at the Nanoscale: New Scientific Opportunities and Multidisciplinary Applications
Naomi Halas Rice University
10:20 Characterization Needs for Manufacturable Integrated Nanosystems
Kathryn Moler Stanford University
Session 7  Concluding discussions
10:40 Research opportunities for the signature initiative on sustainable nanomanufacturing
chairs: Ahmed Busnaina, Naomi Halas
11:10-12:00 Workshop overview discussions chairs: Mark Tuominen, Alex Zettl