NIL Technology ApS (NILT) specializes in nanopatterning and nanoimprint lithography. NILT has experience in meeting complex demands for research and new product development activities, and assists customers in all stages from pattern design to imprinted pattern.
The NILT team consists of highly motivated and skilled engineers striving for delivering high quality one-stop solutions.
Rolith, Inc. is developing advanced nanostructured coatings and devices based on proprietary technology for high throughput large surface area nanolithography. Found in nature (Moth eye, Lotus leaf and others) and successfully demonstrated in the Research Labs, these advanced coatings have an ability to revolultionize Solar, Lighting, Energy and Data storage, Information Displays, Life Science, Architecture and other industries. Rolith's new nanostructuring concept will allow cost-effective scaling of fabrication processes in conveyor or Roll-to-Roll modes.