NNT 2019, the 18th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technologies (nnt2019.org), the world’s leading symposium on nanoimprint and nanoprint, will take place October 14-16, 2019, at The Boston Seaport Hotel, Boston Massachusetts, USA.
NNT2019 is focused on Next Generation Technologies, Products and Manufacturing Processes and is structured with both the research and commercial communities in mind. The meeting will feature invited and contributed lectures on the latest developments in imprint technology. A series of plenary lectures from leading researchers within and external to the imprint community will focus on new and emerging areas in which imprint technology can expand and have significant commercial and scientific impact, including metamaterials, augmented and virtual reality, energy generation and storage, intelligent nanoscale devices and the life sciences. The conference will also offer a unique nanoimprint ecosystem session and roundtable discussion in which providers of tools, masters, materials and open access research and process development facilities will converge in a single session to provide a comprehensive look at potential commercialization paths for bringing product concepts from the laboratory to manufacturing. NNT 2019 will feature an extensive poster session describing recent science and technology advances as well as vendor exhibits from companies and institutes spanning the NIL ecosystem. An online portal for pre scheduling 1:1 meetings among conference participants, presenters in the ecosystem sessions and/or vendors will be provided to maximize opportunities for relationship building. Additional opportunities for networking and informal socializing will occur on a dinner cruise on the Boston Harbor.
An optional post-conference tour to the $US 25 million Advanced Print and Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Demonstration Facility at the University of Massachusetts Amherst will be arranged for those wishing to see facilities for implementation of the latest development in continuous imprinting technology and complementary processes for device integration and manufacturing.