Our mission is to become the leading producer of third generation photovoltaic cells (solar cells) through the use of Quantum Dots.
By introducing our thin film quantum dot solar cells, we will establish a disruptive technology that will help accelerate the conversion from a fossil fuel dependent energy infrastructure to one based on renewable and carbon-neutral energy sources. The products of Solterra Renewable Technologies will be part of the solution to energy independence, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
At Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc., our technology will make it possible to deliver grid-parity solar electricity. By setting the standard for solar technology with distinctly superior cost and capital efficiency, we will strive to be the world's largest solar energy technology company.
Our goal at Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc. is to uses our robust IP portfolio in third generation photovoltaic materials and solar cell processing technology to produce the lowest priced solar power available today.
Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc. will produce high volume hybrid solar cells using revolutionary low cost Quantum Dot synthesis technology and a proprietary conjugated polymer technology that delivers unmatched efficiency and production economy.
Solterra's process does NOT require costly silicon or slow, cumbersome vacuum processing or sputtering methods, thereby creating a new paradigm in the industry.
Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc.
Arizona State University
ASU Research Park
7700 S. River Parkway
Tempe, AZ
view on map
604-569-3184 x 103