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FullScaleNANO, takes EM images of naomaterials and coverts them into actionable data.  Our NanoMet software processes a data point every millisecond.  Instead of relying on a few measurments, NanoMet allows you to analyze thousands of measurments of your material at a cost of pennys per measurment. It is objective, fast, and reliable. It speeds time to market and saves our customers money.

Our dimensional software analysis has been utilized for research and production across the nanomaterial supply chain including nano-assisted medicine, nano pore analysis, wire analysis, particle analysis, nanocellulose and others. We assist customers with quaity assurance, manufactiring and R&D. 

In addition, FullScaleNANO has the capabilities to give you a complete understanding of any type of nanomaterial, including phase purity, size & morphology, concentration, chemical bonding/stability and magnetic properties (for the relevant magnetic materials).  We can also provide suggestions for a full analytical QC test plan which would be customized to your materials and your goals for the analysis, we have a complete suite of routine materials analytical capabilities such as SEM/TEM, XRD, XPS, magnetometry, AFM, DLS, BET, DSC/TGA and others.


400 Capital Circle SE
Suite 18227
Tallahassee, FL 32301-3839


InterNano Taxonomy: