As the focus on fundamental science and knowledge over the past decade has now begun to produce dividends demonstrated by the number of nanotechnology-enabled products and market growth, nanomanufacturing remains the essential bridge between the discoveries of the nanosciences and the commercialization of nanotechnologies. Nanomanufacturing, defined as the controllable manipulation of materials structures, components, devices, and systems at the nanoscale (0.1 to 100 nanometers) in one, two, and three dimensions for large-scale reproducibility of value-added components and products, seeks to accelerate the proliferation of nanotechnology enabled products through the development of new process methodologies, tools, materials, and systems that are becoming established within the global manufacturing base. In this manner, many new products, markets, and processes will benefit from value-added commercial products enabled by the collective performance of their nanoscale building blocks.
The promise and challenges for nanomanufacturing are not simply limited to scientific research and breakthroughs. Technically, the challenges facing nanomanufacturing methods, processes, and systems represent an inherently multi-disciplinary set of problems addressing issues that must combine the range of top-down and bottom-up processes available in order to provide multi-scale systems integration in order to achieve the necessary economy of scale for large-scale production. These critical challenges further include the need to control assembly of three-dimensional heterogeneous systems; to process nanoscale structures in high-rate/high-volume applications without compromising their inherent properties; and to ensure the long-term reliability of nanostructures through testing and metrics. In parallel with the scientific and technical issues of nanomanufacturing, other critically important areas impacting the technology transfer and commercialization of nanotechnology include regulatory, legal, legislative, investment, workforce training, environmental safety, education, and societal impact.
Join colleagues at the Nanomanufacturing Summit 2011 – showcasing emerging areas of nanomanufacturing and commercialization of nanotechnology-enabled products by leaders in the field of nanomanufacturing. For this year’s event the NNN is partnering with the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) (formerly the NanoBusiness Alliance), providing an opportunity to network with the broader nanomanufacturing community fostering the critical collaboration and information exchange needed to realize both the societal and economic benefits offered by integrative nanomanufacturing techniques and commercialization of nanotechnology. A full program has been designed to feature keynote speakers along with invited and contributed presentations highlighting areas of research that facilitate the transition from fundamental research to innovation to implementation fostering the commercial development of nanoscale systems and devices. The event further includes research poster sessions, a networking reception, and topical panel discussions on emerging trends and opportunities in nanomanufacturing and commercialization of nano-enabled technologies.