With an installation base of over 850 systems worldwide, Heidelberg Instruments is a world leader in the production of high-precision photolithography systems and maskless aligners. Due to their flexibility, these systems are used in research, development and industrial applications for direct writing and photomask production by some of the most prestigious universities and industry leaders. Applications include MEMS, BioMEMS, nanotechnology, ASICS, TFT, plasma displays, micro optics and others.
Miscellaneous Technologies
Dr. Berhan Tecle founded Ultrafine Technologies, Inc. (“Ultrafine”) in 1995 to commercialize a novel method of producing commercial quantities of proprietary nanomaterials.
The NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) is a national user facility with a focus on commerce, supporting the U.S. nanotechnology enterprise from discovery to production by providing industry, academia, and other government agencies with access to world-class nanoscale measurement and fabrication methods and technology. The CNST's shared-use NanoFab gives researchers access to and training on a state-of-the-art tool set required for cutting-edge nanotechnology development. A simple application process is designed to get work started in a few weeks.
Director, Colorado Shared Instrumentation in Nanofabrication and Characterization (COSINC) Facility