This group focuses on the manufacturing of nanoparticles and well organized structures containing many nanoparticles. More generally, the field of nanotechnology focuses on small scale particles and devices. For instance, some of the particles we study such as Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) can have diameters of less than 1 nm, this is roughly 100.000 times smaller than a human hair. At the same time these tubes can reach very long lengths, up to more than half a meter.
Carbon-60 synthesis
Institute for Manufacturing
Institute for Manufacturing - Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
17 Charles Babbage Road
Cambridge, CB3 0FS
United Kingdom
FirstNano® is CVD Equipment Corporation's brand of R&D products
355 South Technology Drive
Central Islip, NY 11722
FirstNano® is CVD Equipment Corporation's research and development (R&D) brand of products. Various academic research centers, industry leaders, and government research labs worldwide have purchased the system and are employing it currently in their research.