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Crocus Technology
Crocus Technology
710 Lakeway Drive Suite 100 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA

Crocus is a leading developer of MRAM technology for dense, non-volatile, high-speed, scalable memories. The company's MRAM innovation originated in the Grenoble-based Spintec laboratory, a world-leading R&D center in Spintronics, affiliated with French national laboratories CEA and CNRS. The company will offer discrete, high-density MRAM chips that target a wide variety of telecommunication, networking, storage, computing and handheld applications. The company also licenses its technology for both stand alone and embedded chip applications.

Micro Magnetics, Inc.
Micro Magnetics, Inc.
617 Airport Road Fall River, MA 02720 USA

Micro Magnetics is a leader in commercial applications of spintronics, a new technology which combines the fields of magnetism, electronics, and nanotechnology. It is our goal to provide innovative solutions, products, and services in the areas of semiconductor metrology and magnetic sensing. Our main product, the Circuit Scan 1000, is a high-resolution magnetic microscope which provides current density images of operating integrated circuits (ICs). This product family has found utility for failure analysis, fault isolation, and yield enhancement of ICs.