Dr. Thomas Abraham

Innovative Research and Products, Inc.

Dr. Abraham is president and founder of Innovative Research and Products, Inc. (www.innoresearch.net), an industry and market analysis company based in Stamford, CT. Dr. Abraham has been conducting market research in advanced materials for 25 years. Starting as Director of the Advanced Materials Group at Business Communications Co. (BCC) of Norwalk, CT, Dr. Abraham became its Vice President of Research. 

Dr. Abraham is experienced both as a materials scientist and technical economic analyst in the field of advanced and nano materials.  Dr. Abraham has completed over 50 multi-client market research studies in advanced materials and systems, nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Dr. Abraham has been a frequent invited speaker on the state of the nanotechnology, nanomaterial and advanced material industries at various international meetings.

Dr. Abraham has organized a dozen international conferences in Nanoparticles, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials. A graduate of Columbia University (MS and PhD.), Dr. Abraham had worked earlier for Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of Denver.

One of the most important studies Dr. Abraham undertook was for the Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress on the "Strategies for Advanced Ceramic Materials in the U.S." Dr. Abraham has also conducted technology transfer and commercialization studies for several companies and major laboratories.

Dr. Abraham was selected to be part of the US delegation to Australia in February 2008 at the US-Australia Cooperative Workshop on Sustainable Nanomanufacturing held in Brisbane and Melbourne where he delivered the keynote address on the state of the nanomaterials and nanotechnology industry.