David C. Johnson

Rosaria Haugland Foundation Chair in Pure and Applied Chemistry
University of Oregon

He is the Director of the Graduate Internship program, the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon (CAMCOR) – the state’s ‘high tech’ extension service, and the ONAMI Nanoarchitectures for Enhanced Performance Center. Johnson is also the associate director of the Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry, an NSF Chemical Innovation Center. Johnson’s research is at the interface of chemistry and physics focused on controlling materials properties using structure. His non-traditional approach to chemical synthesis has led to many new materials with unprecedented physical properties. A recent example is the discovery of a new class of materials material with the lowest thermal conductivity ever reported for a fully dense solid. Johnson, who received his Ph.D. from Cornell and worked as a research chemist for DuPont before coming to Oregon in 1986, received the Oregon Academy of Science’s Outstanding Scientist Award in 2006. He has served as a Board Member for the International Thermoelectric Society since 2006 and is a founding academic member of the Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnology Institute - ONAMI.