Vladimir Bulovic, Ph.D.

Director, Microsystems Technology Laboratories
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Professor Bulovic joined the faculty of MIT in July 2000 where he is now a Professor of Electrical Engineering, leading the Organic and Nanostructured Electronics Laboratory, co-directing the MIT-ENI Solar Frontiers Center. As the MIT Energy Initiative council member Bulović is co-heading the Energy Education Task Force and co-directing the MIT Energy Studies Minor. In 2008 he was named the Class of 1960 Faculy Fellow in recognition of his contributions to the energy education, and in 2009 he was named the Van Buren Hansford (1937) - Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT's highest teaching honor.

Bulović received electrical engineering B.S.E. in 1991 from Princeton University, M.S. in 1993 from Columbia University and Ph.D in 1998 from Princeton University. Just prior to joining MIT, he was a Senior Scientist and Project Head of Strategic Technology Development at Universal Display Corporation (UDC). At UDC he worked on the application of organic materials to LEDs for full color flat panel displays and thin film photovoltaics for solar cell and detector applications. Prior to UDC he worked in Princeton's POEM Center as a graduate researcher (1993-1998) and research associate (1998-1999) participating in a series of projects examining the optical and electrical properties of vacuum deposited amorphous and crystalline molecular organic thin films and devices. For his M.S. degree, Prof. Bulović worked at Columbia University's Microelectronics Sciences Laboratory (1991-1993), where he examined image-potential states and resonances on metal surfaces utilizing nonlinear two-photon photoemission spectroscopy.

At MIT his research interests include studies of physical properties of organic and organic/inorganic nanocrystal composite thin films and structures, and development of novel optoelectronic organic and hybrid nano-scale devices. His papers and patents cover the areas of organic and nanostructured light emitting diodes, lasers, photovoltaics, photodetectors, chemical sensors, and programmable memories, majority of which have been licensed and utilized by both start-up and multinational companies.

Together with ONE Lab alum Dr. Seth Coe-Sullivan, Bawendi group alum Dr. Jonny Steckel, and Sloan school graduate Greg Moeler, in 2004 Prof. Bulović founded QD Vision, Inc. of Watertown MA which is focused on development of quantum dot optolectronics. Together with ONE Lab alums Dr. Conor Madigan and Dr. Jianglong (Gerry) Chen, Prof. Marty Schmidt and Dr. Valerie Leblanc, in 2007 Bulović founded Kateeva, Inc. (formerly named TJet Technologies, Inc.) of Menlo Park CA which is focused on development of printed organic electronics.

Prof. Bulović is a recipient of the U.S. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers, the National Science Foundation Career Award, The Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching, Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society Award for Outstanding Teaching, and was named to Technology Review TR100 List.