George Hinkal, Ph.D.

Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research
National Cancer Institute

Dr. George Hinkal is program manager for NCI's Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research. There he manages a portfolio of grants within the Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, implements new nanotechnology policy initiatives with the National Nanotechnology Initiative, and evaluates the effectiveness of Alliance programs. He first came to the office as an Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellow.

Prior to joining the OCNR, Dr. Hinkal's research interests focused on genetically modifying animal models of cancer and mammalian aging. His postdoctoral work at the Centre Léon Bérard in Lyon, France developed a proof of principle model showing how aberrant expression of embryonic transcription factors creates a tumor permissive environment. He received his Ph.D. in biomedical sciences from Baylor College of Medicine where he elaborated on the hypothesis that gross aging phenotypes are the result of tumor suppressor function.